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Mathematics Course Outline >

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Authors: FUOYE
Keywords: Gravitational field
Curvilinear coordinates
Covariant differentiation
Isotropic space
Issue Date: 2-Mar-2015
Abstract: Particles in a gravitational field: Curvilinear coordinates, intervals. Covariant differentiation; Chris- tofell symbol and metric tensor. The constant gravitational field. Rotation. The Curvature tensor. The action function for the gravitational field. The energy momentum tensor. Newton's law. Motion in a centrally symmetric gravitational field. The energy moment pseudotensor. Gravitational waves. Gravitational fields at large distances from bodies. Isotropic space. Space-time metric in the closed and in the open isotropic models. The re shift.
Description: Particles in a gravitational field: Curvilinear coordinates, intervals. Covariant differentiation; Chris- tofell symbol and metric tensor. The constant gravitational field. Rotation. The Curvature tensor. The action function for the gravitational field. The energy momentum tensor. Newton's law. Motion in a centrally symmetric gravitational field. The energy moment pseudotensor. Gravitational waves. Gravitational fields at large distances from bodies. Isotropic space. Space-time metric in the closed and in the open isotropic models. The re shift.
URI: http://repository.fuoye.edu.ng/handle/123456789/271
Appears in Collections:Mathematics Course Outline

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